
My Account in my hands™

My Account in my hands™ allows existing clients to request a settlement amount or total outstanding balance to end of contract by sending an SMS or email. Just follow these easy steps and have your settlement figure or balance sent directly to you, without contacting the call centre.


Request a Settlement Figure

SMS "S" (for Settlement) leave a space, followed by your ID number to 31795.

E.g. SMS S 8888820001777 to 31795

  • SMS S (for Settlement) and your ID number to 31795
  • My Account in my hands™ will verify your ID number, ensure your cellphone number matches the information on record and SMS the settlement figure to your phone.

Note: SMS's sent to 31795 will be charged at R1.50 per sms.

Request a Balance

SMS "B" and leave a space, followed by your ID number to 31795.

E.g. SMS B 8888820001777 to 31795

  • SMS B (for Balance) and your ID number to 31795
  • My Account in my hands™ will verify your ID number, ensure your cellphone number matches the information on record, and SMS your outstanding balance, your monthly payment and next payment due date to your phone.

Note: SMS's sent to 31795 will be charged at R1.50 per sms.


Request a Settlement Figure

Send an email to selfservice@mfc.co.za and type the following in the subject line of the email: "S" (for Settlement) leave a space, followed by your ID number.

E.g. Subject: S 88888820001777

  • Email S (for Settlement) and your ID number to selfservice@mfc.co.za
  • Important: You must capture the “S” and leave a space, followed by your ID number in the subject line of the email and not in the body of the mail.
  • My Account in my hands™ will verify the ID number, ensure the email address you are emailing from matches the information on record, and send the settlement letter to the email address available on the system.

Request a Balance

Send an email to selfservice@mfc.co.za and type the following in the subject line of the email: "B" (for Balance) leave a space, followed by your ID number.

E.g. Subject: B 88888820001777

  • Email B (for Balance) and your ID number to selfservice@mfc.co.za
  • Important: You must capture the "B" and leave a space, followed by your ID number in the subject line of the email and not in the body of the mail.
  • My Account in my hands™ will verify the ID number, ensure the email address you are emailing from matches the information on record, and send your outstanding balance, your monthly payment and next payment due date to the email address available on the system.

Contact Us

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